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Premier League footballer accused of rape has bail extended through to second consecutive season

The player in question was arrested in July 2022.

He was initially bailed until a date in October 2022, which was then pushed back to July 2023, with The Athletic now reporting that The Metropolitan Police have confirmed that a new bail date has been set for August.

That means the player could be available for the start of the 2023-24 campaign and will be able to feature for a second successive season while on bail.

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The player’s club have not suspended him at any point and have allowed him to continue turning out across multiple competitions.

A statement from The Metropolitan Police back in March read: “On 4 July 2022, an allegation of rape of a woman in her 20s was reported to police.

“It was reported the alleged rape happened in June 2022. On 4 July 2022, a man was arrested on suspicion of rape and taken into custody.

“While in custody, he was further arrested on suspicion of two incidents of rape that were alleged to have been committed in April and June of 2021 against a different woman in her 20s.

“In February 2023, the man was interviewed under caution for a sexual offence alleged to have taken place in February 2022. This relates to a third victim and was reported to police in July 2022.

“No further action will be taken in relation to the alleged offence in June 2021 because the relevant legislation had not yet come into effect at the time it is said to have occurred.

“This has been explained to the complainant who continues to be supported by officers.”